



  • / Chicago / 上来吐个苦水,今天路经贵宝地的国际机场转机回多伦多,结果过关人数多得难以想象,最后还是没能赶上,得坐下一班,最可恨的是就因为这一下,我的两件寄仓行李到现在找不到了,除了靠航空公司给找一找外,我什么也不么做,头痛啊
    • Shoot...I will have a transfer at ORD 2 weeks later...crossing my fingers.
      • It happens anywhere. One time I flew from Detroit to San Jose and transferred at Denver, my checked luggage got lost. But it was finally found and delivered to me after 3 days.
    • That's a good thing. Your luggage will not be checked by custom...
    • 去年7月份从那里转过一次飞机,印象颇深。如果给我选择,宁愿多花点钱/时间,也不要在那里转机。