You are looking for counter-depth. It is more expensive. I can give you more info if you like. Sears and Futureshop only has few options. Go to some appliance store.
thanks , will ask after the counter done.
if you want to counter-depth, you have to at least know the size before you finish your counter. Of course, most of them are standard.
在 Scarborough Town Center Sears订了全新冰箱、洗衣机、烘干机、炉头、洗碗机,送货那天冰箱送来的是 Refurbished 的次品, 洗衣机压了个坑,烘干机掉了块漆,其它两样都是好的,货给免费退了,这就是口口声声老店信誉好,连个道歉都没有(有照片、发票为证)。上个月在Futureshop买了个Samsung 的 French door 冰箱,感觉噪音大, 还不如国产冰箱噪音小,样式还可以。在加拿大,花十足的价钱,买不到十足的货。
I called Futureshop, they said I had to go to Samsung. Anything else I can do? Thanks
Samsung is famours about it. Nothing you can do really. Try BBB but there are already thousands cases regarding Samsung warranty. I just don't understand why people want to buy Samsung. They don't even honor their own warranty.