



  • Toronto to Lisbon, Portugal - $276 to $332 CAD roundtrip after taxes


    Air Canada and Lufthansa have dropped the price of their flights from Toronto to Lisbon, Portugal down to between $276 and $332 CAD roundtrip including taxes.

    The flights usually have 1 stop each way. On some dates you may be able to find a nonstop flight on the way there.

    Availability for travel

    March, April, May, June 2022

    How to find and book these flights

    1. Start with a Google Flights search like this one:

    Google Flights: Toronto to Lisbon, Portugal

    (1 stop flights)

    - Click on the departure date box to open up the calendar view and browse for cheap date combinations.

    - Adjust the trip length at the bottom.

    - Look for the dates that are $325 roundtrip or less

    2. Go to Kayak or Skyscanner or FlightHub or the Lufthansa website.

    - Try the same destination and dates you found on Google Flights.

    screenshot from Kayak