



  • 讨论下,如何能做到性的平等。
    • 性中的具体行为并不能代表性的平等与否。比如说男人主动,男人主导,女人被动,女人接受,等等等等。具体的行为如果不影响到心理的话永远都不会产生副作用
      • 同意,所以任何性行为,包括所谓变态的,只要在物理层面上安全,只要愿意做,就可以放心大胆做,明白了这一点,才能享受性。
    • 不过,女人的心理平衡不如男人那么简单明了,你上了谁你自然觉得心理上你占优。而女人,在被动之后想要坚持自己的心理优势却是需要技巧的。从这点上看,我很看好女人在未来世界的统治地位。如果真的能实现这个转换的话女人的力量将是无穷的。
      • :) Am I the only listener? You are thinking too much. Love does not come from talks with everyone hiding behind IDs. There are a lot more to do to win a heart and you might need to go through every sentiment possible:
        Nervousness, disappointment, likeness, appreciation, jealousy, joy, ecstasy. anxiousness.... But in the end, for thousand years, one thing hasn't changed is that we are basically still animals. Doesn't matter that you can write poems or sing songs to beautify that basic desire. You have to be able to see, touch, fondle, caress, kiss, and make love to really love someone. What I am trying to say is that you need to do things with him, sharing time enjoying things together.
        • Totally agree :) 不过我们说的不是一回事,你说的是过程,我说的是背后的思绪。两者不可或缺,否则你的过程就流于表面粗俗,我的思绪就变成纸上谈兵。看过House of cards吗,Mr. and Mrs. Underwood 既承认动物本能,又能理性控制的处世态度让人不得不诚服。
          • Yes, I did, waiting for season2. All I see is animal instincts at work, including that young journalist used her body to make a deal with Mr. Underwood. I don't see love in that movie. It is about deals - what you can offer to get what you want.
            • Mr. and Mrs. Underwood 的爱情不是世俗意义上的情爱,人们可以鄙视说他们是政治夫妻,是欲望城市中的怪物,不过他们对彼此的欣赏跟支持是任何人所不能代替的。这样说来,又有多少人能说他们的爱情更高尚更纯洁。纯粹的爱情是很难存在的,如果不是根本不可能的话。
              • You should wait for season 2, see how his wife takes a revenge against him for fucking that young girl, for she has sacrificed her charity, fired almost everyone to help his husband.
                • 刚刚看完第二季,没看到报复,看到的只是夫妇俩携手攻克一切难关,最后登上宝座。他们这样的政治夫妻是不会有普通意义上的感情的,因为他们都太清楚自身的政治欲望,相比之下肉体的欲望无足轻重。Adam以为Mrs. Underwood还有些真情,不是终于失望了么。
                  • Then we wait for season3. There is no love between them. They are simply life partners. The revenge comes not from love, but from the breach of a deal, because at certain point, one of then will betray the other one.
                    People at that level are no happier than normal people. They have everything but love. In the end, they all need to find someone that could let them be themselves, regardless of their desire for youth, power or money. The greediness will guide them.
                    • 嗯,他们之间没有普通意义上的情爱,是否最终会被这样的需要所引导,我不是太乐观。拭目以待第三季 :)
                      • 超越普通意义的情爱才是更深入更有力量的。普通人都停留在表层,无法挖掘深层的宝藏。
      • 非常赞同你的看法,但关于男性心理,没有这么简单,因为我是男性。一直在隔壁,今天偶尔过来。真高兴看到有见地的讨论。
        • 想听听男人的心理到底是怎么一回事,很期待这样的交流。
          • 男女心理表现不同,实质相同,复杂程度一样。
    • 其实,性的平等不是想要女权主义,或者说不是想打倒男人树立女人至上,性的平等首先要女人自己承认人的本性动物性,接纳男女有别的事实,但却不要因此在心理上矮人一等,觉得如果结束了就是自己吃亏。大家都是成年人,做出的决定是自己要负责任的。
      • you got the point!但是大多数女人都会觉得自己吃亏,男人占便宜了,实际上都是相互的
        • 男人享受女人这么想吗? 还是更希望女人独立? 哪种状态在男人眼里更性感?
          • 对我来说,自信不执拗思想开放的女性最性感。但男性对于女性性感的理解,是根植于我们自身心理需求上的,比如说到处找母爱的男人发现母性的女人最性感,自卑的男人发现肯定他的女性最性感。
            • 嗯,看来男人是根植于自身的需求来寻找理想性伴侣,女人恐怕大多数是根植于被男人欣赏的需求来寻找,所以有悲剧。
              • 赞同。如果能认识到这一点,并身体力行,两性间才能避免悲剧。
              • 如果仔细看,男女双方的要求都是一样的,都是希望被对方欣赏和接受。人们的心理需求有很多层面,很多表面的心理需求,比如征服感,往下看,都归结到欣赏和接受。
          • 有一个社会认同的问题,所以个人看法并不影响大多数人,match最好
    • 棒。以后要多来看看。都是高人。很多当官儿的,或名人,应该是做到或接近做到了。