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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 请问一下温哥华的朋友?从温哥华坐轮渡到维多利亚岛只去维多利亚downtown和The Butchart gardens花园,当天可以坐轮渡返回温哥华downtown吗?谢谢!
    • BC ferry schedule
    • 可以的,以前参加99块的一日游,就这两景点.岛挺大的,不知自由行如何.车子可以上轮渡 +2
    • 如果自己开车没问题,Butchart Garden 俩小时,downtown 三个小时。 早上的船最好预定,如果是foot passanger 不需要预定, 码头也有直接到downtown 的公交车。 +1
    • It's possible to make a day trip. BTW, It's not called the "Victoria Island", but the city of Victoria is located at the southern tip of the "Vancouver Island".

      And it's possible to go without driving. From Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal, Take #81 to Butchart Garden, Then #75 to Legislature Building. At the end take #70 to the ferry terminal.
      • 太感谢啦!
    • 参加个一日游的团即可,啥都不用管,只需在所住酒店等车来接就行了,路途上还有导游兼司机解说....参考图文旧帖:搭船上岛(#13249307@0)、去garden(#13356286@0)
    • 直接给我水手一个电话,晚上住他帐篷里
    • don't recommend this. Too busy. would spend at least one day around victoria downtown, biking the sea shore, and drink a cold beer in the harbor. way more relax and enjoyable. +2
    • 维多利亚比温哥华好玩,四面环海。日落在海边吹吹海风,晚上可以在downtown闲逛,我们只住1晚都觉得太赶。
      • There are quite a few beaches, best is Oak bay. spend a few hours there you will want to move there.
        • 谢谢,机票便宜长周末飞过去。
          • I might be protesting in the airport. Stop to show your sympathy if you agree this is all BS to ban unvaxxer from flying. And enjoy your stay. Let me know if I may help.
      • 维多利亚是横跨加拿大公路的西边的一个起点
    • 可以住几天,逛了城里,花园,再去岛西边的国家公园转两天,绝对不虚此行。
    • I like the beach in Tofino and some rainforest trails
    • 参加一日游团就可以啦,现在的价格是128,就是车费,轮渡费,花园门票费。人家旅行社轻车熟路,都安排好了。
      • 请问在哪里可以找到128的一日游?谢谢!
        • 温哥华那边当地能组团的旅行社吧,我前几天听朋友说的,也不知道哪一家。你自己多打几家电话问问呗。就像咱这边泰安旅游,大班旅游,都有瀑布一日游一样。这都是最常规的团,估计都有吧。