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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / WEF already take control of the EU🥶🥶🥶 check out the video and picture🥸🥸🥸 +2


    • Police下面的图案是什么动物?太可怕了。。。欧洲已经沦陷了,怪不得说拯救世界只能靠美国 +1
      • 因为美国是唯一一个可以拥枪的国家,可惜了… +1
        • 加拿大对枪管的越来越严
          • 除了美国,全世界的政府都禁止百姓拥枪。
            • 美国真的是灯塔国。。。前些天trump的太太出面了,说trump可能要参加选举,可能是给大家信心吧 +2
              • 别对老川抱太大希望,都是一家人,上头看他能忽悠故意让他分散大家的注意力……
                • 可能,那我们怎么办
                  • 其实最好是在家附近能有些民兵组织,可以互相帮助,韩国人在这方面做的非常好👍 +2
                    • 嗯,有道理
    • 物以类聚哦


      • 一切都是那么的巧合🥶🥶🥶 +1
      • For Ukraine, the only priority is to survive. They can't think about anything else much. They have to use whatever possible opportunity to get aid and support.
        • 你和DS,WEF是一伙的,越来越多的人通过加拿大自由车队顿悟乌俄战争是怎么一会事,肉联政治精英们还是一群无知懒惰自以为是的老傻瓜👉 +2
          • 早看出来了,大众太好骗了 +1
            • Notice the rhetoric shift Now both the NY Times Editorial Board and Henry Kissinger at the WEF are both calling for a negotiated peace for Ukraine even it it means ceding territory to Russia
              • 骗了大众多少捐款,多少各个国家的财政 +1
    • Why does the WEF have police? The WEF and the WHO have no democratically elected representatives. Therefore, they should have absolutely no jurisdiction over any of our laws‼️ +1
      • Wonder if they are the same police in Ottawa back in Feb. +3
        • 可能的,据说渥太华本地警察不愿意对加拿大人动手,土豆找了所谓的UN维和部队,好几驾飞机飞过来。 +2
      • Good question but no one will answering it🥶🥶🥶and there is a treaty’s process has been made by WHO with most of the countries which agree to give the absolute power to WHO🔚 Another words: NWO🔚 +1
        Source: Operation Freedom
        MEP Christine Anderson on what the imposed undemocratic WHO international treaty actually means.

        @OPFREEDOM 🇺🇲