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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 更新一下,给TRUCK的捐款已经接近六百万了。有超过七万人捐了款。 +12

    • 政治资金,谁又会想到美国内战会由加拿大卡车游行引发。谁最希望看到加拿大混乱和美国内战? +3
      • 我希望,毫不犹豫 +4
        • 浑水摸鱼
        • 你不是卧底就是蛇精bing
    • 要是gfm被加拿大/美国政府以国安理由限制支付,咋办? +1
      • 它敢! +2
      • B.J. posted an update to Freedom Convoy 2022:We have some great news to share with all of you! We have received confirmation that GoFundMe has released our first batch of funds and is initiating our first transfer. (#14313094@0)
    • 刚过6百万 +8


    • Funny, top donate competition starting +4


      • 捐款第一名Sophie Grégoire,小土豆老婆?哈哈哈,高明呀 +3
        • 据说他俩其实已经那啥了。土豆其实是那啥 +3
          • 估計是有人在逗土豆,不過也可能真是豆太
            • 他俩不和的传言很久了, 不知真假。 +1
        • 我还见过土豆自己名字的呢。
      • 名字和捐款没了,是取消了❓ +2
        • 土豆骂了老婆了? 家庭矛盾压力下, 豆妻撤捐了? 有点意思 +1
          • 🙃🙃
            • 我中文电视连续剧看多了, 总想时不时展开一下想象的翅膀😀
              • 证明你年轻😜😜 +1
                • 年龄优视?😁
                  • 说明心态年轻呀~xmjd呀🤣🤣 +2
        • 有意思,捐款还能取消?
          • 前几天有个杀猪盘的故事
          • 也同样不明白中~ +1
    • 叫花子党头目Singh的妻弟捐了13000,被Singh骂了后又要回来了😄 +4
      • 管天管地, oops说错了,管妻管弟,真有出息😀 +5
      • 哈, 这次, 政客们是在比low吗? +5
    • 马上就七百万了,一天涨一百万,已经持续几天了,这就是民意!! - +9
    • Updates (1) Yesterday by B.J. Dichter, We have some great news to share with all of you! We have received confirmation that GoFundMe has released our first batch of funds and is initiating our first transfer. +7

      We can’t thank you enough for your patience.

      Sadly, the legacy media felt it was necessary to publish news articles implying that GoFundMe had frozen our funds for a variety of outrageous reasons. In reality, the temporary hold was due to international banking regulations which dictate many of GoFundMe policies. It is common practice with GoFundMe to conduct this kind of due diligence to ensure the funds are legitimate.

      For our case, because of the overwhelming donations we have received, and we are currently the 8th fastest growing campaign in their history, the constant attempts by activists to flag our campaign as illegitimate exacerbated the already tedious process. The team at GoFundMe have been amazing to work with and we are very appreciative of their support.

      The release of this first batch of funds will allow us to start processing registration forms and remittances to drivers who need our support. Initially, there will be a bottle neck because of the large number of requests we need to process, and because of payment processing times. Please bare with us as we are working as fast as we can to get this done.

      As a reminder, these funds will first assist drivers of all Semi trucks and direct support vehicles such as, pilot trucks and/or mechanic trucks in the convoys to Ottawa. Registrations must have been received and signed off by the Road Captains. These forms must also be completed exactly as per the instructions on the registration form, otherwise they will not be processed. Please note that all submissions are not guaranteed, as this is dependant on how many registrations are received and how much is donated through the GoFundMe campaign.

      We have an amazing team behind the scenes comprised of lawyers, accountants and bookkeepers working hard to ensure people will be compensated. As a reminder, this will take a bit of time, and we ask for your patience while the team reviews and validates the overwhelming number of submissions by participants.Again, thank you to everyone for their kindness, patience, and support while we get this sorted. Each and everyone of you is playing a part in unifying Canadians across the country and showing the world that there is not just hope for Canada, but for the entire world.

      • 早啊,😄 +1
    • 收到email, 已经(开始)发放了。 +6
      Yesterday by B.J. Dichter, Team memberWe have some great news to share with all of you! We have received confirmation that GoFundMe has released our first batch of funds and is initiating our first transfer. We can’t thank you enough for your patience.Sadly, the legacy media felt it was necessary to publish news articles implying that GoFundMe had frozen our funds for a variety of outrageous reasons. In reality, the temporary hold was due to international banking regulations which dictate many of GoFundMe policies. It is common practice with GoFundMe to conduct this kind of due diligence to ensure the funds are legitimate.
      • 我也捐过了。加油
    • 刚刚捐了,超7百万了,去不了现场,支持一下 +2