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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 墨西哥! +2
    Some Canadians are going to great lengths to avoid mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, including one former public servant from the Outaouais who moved her family to Mexico. 
    • The real news is that CBC mentioned this. 😀 +2
      • 到那里加元换比索,当大富翁
        • Prices in Mexico are lower, but just a bit. Industrial products are about the same price level. +3
          • 别住再海滨度假区啊,那里生活水平高
    • 过两天墨西哥也让他们不打疫苗就滚蛋,看他们怎么办。
      • That's suicidal for the country of Mexico. It reopened in June of 2020. +2