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  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / #56@7 : 乐捐Rolia新年晚会的网友名录(2018年之后) +3
    • 个人认为,金额不要公开的好 +11
      • 真是穷酸俱乐部看门的?像发言人。
        • 看门的就不能发言?
      • 嘿嘿,没事,俺不怕寒碜
        • 俺也不怕寒酸。
    • 全部捐款都在此? +1
      • Yes, since 2018. (Hopefully I didn't miss any. If yes, please let me know! 😊 )
        • 2019年3月8日,穷人的一点点微薄之力而已,羞于提及。只为防遗漏收款而发。用了不同的email。


          • Sorry that I missed it! Didn't check the PayPal records when I created the list. Just reviewed PayPal and found I actually missed many many people. 😊
            • No problem at all😁. I fully understand that you are very busy and not easy to donate countless time and so much energy to RCA and to help others every year (for almost two decades long!). You are appreciated and respected. +3
          • I've just updated the list. Thank you again for your reminding!
            • Good job!👍 I believe that your diligence on initiating, advocating, and helping others on daily basis via Rolia.net, played very important roles in many of donations. +3
              • Rolians are the best!
    • 有没有匿名捐款?
      • We can hide the name/ID from the published list. 😊
      • 为啥匿名捐?不认识你,凭啥捐?挣点钱多辛苦啊。原本也不知道会公布捐款人。但是,资助总希望对方知道是自己的一点微博的心意吧。哥,你太雷锋啦,俺们没有辣么高的觉悟。今年教会还没捐呢,年底得努力啦。
        • 为老大呀
          • 哥,要知道我对这里是有感情的。细节嘛,将来有机会慢慢分享吧。也许就是缘这个字吧。人心都是肉长的。可以同甘共苦,才可以有小我的今天与明天。 +2
            • 这几天你释放了不少心中的淤結,感觉会好起来的。
            • 看起来你这大笔捐款跟redneck有关啊
              • 大笔吗?跟教会兄弟姐妹比差远了。我也去不了现场帮忙,能做的也这么多了。
          • 最近几年里职场上经历了很多,看到人性的自私,就更渴望还有一丝真情吧!
      • 捐 $1000那位是匿名的
        • 伟大!敬仰一下。
        • 改了,知道是谁
        • 这个匿名的学问大了,给足了大家面子。😜
    • 老大可以贴个二维码在界面上,什么时候高兴大家扫一下直接付款多好。
      • RCA does not have an RMB account. :(
        • 微信可以吧
          • Probably not, I think. RCA is a registered NPO, everything has to come with proper bookkeeping record. WeChat may not meet such requirement.
            • +1
            • may not, may be, 微信支付和支付宝支付 都已经是被加拿大批准的支付机构,这个如果你觉得好,只是不清楚合不合规的话,可以委托网友去查一下,问问代理
              • 想确认,结果第一页出来这个:“Please be advised that the messaging, social media and payment application WeChat poses potential cybersecurity risks to users,” +1
            • 赞,小事做的不糊涂,大事靠得住的可能性就更大 +2
    • 有钱的捧个钱场,没钱的捧个人场。看到这贴就再捐一次。😁 +1
      • thank you very much buddy!🙏👍
    • 哪个捐五毛的是谁,爆个光 +1
      • No matter how much it's a goodwill. 😊 +1
    • 给个 link,把今年的捐了。谢谢。
      • Wow! Please go to this page:
        • 刚才也捐了一点心意, 请老大查收, 祝老大网站越办越红火😘
          • 谢谢!🙏🙏🙏
        • done. +1
          • 谢谢你一直以来的支持!🙏🙏🙏
          • 你设的这个bar有点高,应该小额多次的捐。像我这样好攀比的小额都拿不出手了。
            • 肉联对我的帮助比对你的帮助大不少。Does it make you feel better now? LOL. 希望大家无攀比的帮老大维护这个游乐场,大家能愉快安度晚年。 +1