现在买Home theathre至少考虑以下几个参数:
1. HDMI Switch:至少要支持repeat, 能upscaling最好
2. HDMI数量,最少3in/1out.今后可都是数字的了.什么光纤都不要了.
3. 支持Componet接口,以便接Wii.
4. 支持Dolby Digital, DTS解码,如果要上Bru-ray,要支持Dolby TrueHD和DTS HD.
5. 如果以上都具备了,建议买7.1或7.2的Receiver,现在接5.1speaker,今后7.1片子普及后,再加2个好的前置,把原来前置放边上.
如果没什么概念,我冒昧推荐一款套装:YAMAHA 5650, http://www.2001audiovideo.com/product_info.php?cPath=39_86&products_id=5560
The Receiver is mid-range but the speakers are so so.
I was actually going to buy this receiver and get a better set of speaker. The Receiver was $399 on Boxing week but I missed it. I was told home theather system is pretty profitable. So I am waiting for the better deal.
For the DVD/Blu-ray player, Sony PS3 is best one.
For better understanding the 5.1 and 7.1 system, check out this link: