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south asian,警察局的信息写得清清楚楚

Region of Peel – Investigators from the 11 Division Auto Theft Unit are seeking the public's assistance in identifying a suspect in a vehicle theft and Dangerous Operation Causing Bodily Harm. On Friday, September 6, 2024, at approximately 2:00 p.m., the suspect attended the victim's residence near Winston Churchill and Eglinton Avenue, Mississauga, in response to an Auto Trader advertisement. The victim was selling his vehicle, a 2022 Porsche Cayenne. While viewing the vehicle, the suspect reversed rapidly, striking and injuring the victim before fleeing with the stolen vehicle. The suspect is described as a female, South Asian, 5'5", 120 lbs, thin build, long brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a white long-sleeve shirt, brown skirt, and leather-strapped sandals. Anyone with information about this incident or the identity of this suspect is asked to call investigators at the 11 Division Auto Theft Unit at (905) 453–2121, ext. 1152. Anonymous information may also be submitted by calling Peel Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), by visiting peelcrimestoppers.ca. Police are encouraging the public to be vigilant when selling items online, and to utilize Peel Regional Police Buy and Sell Exchange Zones located at each Peel Police Division. Inc# P240289300 N/R: 24-243
Suspect Identity Sought in Theft of Vehicle/Dangerous Operation Causing Bodily Harm
Region of Peel – Investigators from the 11 Division Auto Theft Unit are seeking the public's assistance in identifying a suspect in a vehicle theft and Dange...
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 厉害,现在偷车居然开始弄一个漂亮女人来这样偷。下一次估计要弄个小孩来偷车了。 +3




    据CP24报道,皮尔区警方称,9月6日下午2点左右,这名身高5尺5寸的南亚裔女性嫌疑人抵达了受害者位于Winston Churchill和Eglinton Avenue附近的住所。

    视频中可以听到嫌疑人说,“你好,我来取保时捷”。该女子所指的是停在这家车道上的2022年保时捷卡宴,这辆车在Auto Trader上挂牌出售。







    警方称,最终嫌疑人驾驶被盗车辆逃走,并指出一辆同伙车辆(被描述为灰色 SUV)也参与了作案。





    任何掌握与调查有关信息的人都可拨打 (905) 453-2121,分机1152或匿名拨打犯罪热线。

    • 罪犯如此猖獗,为打击与日俱增的恶性犯罪,各路口设制摄像头还会有争议吗?这卖车的真不知道自己生活在啥年头,居然曝光自家地址,人也不跟车 +3
      • 你没看文章吧?他是在买车,autotrader上买车。买主当然知道他住哪里啦。女主说她爸爸随后就到,她先看看车。 +1
        • 他明明是在卖自己的车,女贼才是买车啊? +3
          • 女贼看上去高种姓的样子,皮肤白皙,还带着眼睛,像个学生。可能是被逼的,因为有另外2辆车在边上,也可能不被逼的。
            • 女的戴眼镜是为了伪装吧。
        • 你没看懂,男的卖车,女贼假冒买车实行抢车。私人交易一定要去公共场所,这是常识,除非巨件无法搬运
      • 摄像头有P用。今天抓的偷车贼,明天就保出来了。不想辛苦劳作的谁不偷? +4
    • 太可怕了宜居的加拿大是越来越乱了😰大大加强警力是当务之急 ⭕️ +3
      • 判刑十年,不得假释,这才是解决之道。 +3
      • 抓了马上就放了,甚至警察还没有下班,就放了,感谢土豆自由党的犯罪无罪化,再多警察也没有用…. +4
        • 土豆2019年通过的C-75法案,保释即释放的系统将犯罪嫌疑人的利益置于社区安全之上
    • 这种应该是有组织的犯罪。男主人太大意了。 +2
    • 老头应该庆幸。那女的有两辆SUV跟着呢。或者路上实施抢车,或者女的直接就掏枪让老头下去。 +3
    • 试车时为何Owner老头不在车内呆着,还十分信任对方,自顾自下车游荡?奉送车子? +1
      • 不知道的还以为他是买车的。看他好像拉了几下车门,然后走去车后,这防范意识太差了。 +1
      • 被妙龄女郎给整盅了,放松了警惕
        • 绝对。绝大部分人都会对年轻女孩放松警惕。这女的怎么看也不像会犯罪的样子。搞不好,白天陪睡,免费住哪个接应人的额家里,白天联合而起来偷车。搞一辆车可以潇洒很久啦。
    • 这--还是加拿大么?如果抢劫不算重刑,那么什么罪行才算重刑呢?判十年不得假释,看谁还敢抢劫?人心就是这么弄坏的,这位卖车的还是老一套加拿大人做法,相信初次见面的人。 +5
      • 这个女的不光抢车,还差点压死车主,会罪加好几等。 +2
        • 终身监禁,二十年不得假释。偷车的昨天进去,今天就放出来了。谁尝到甜头不偷,勤快一点儿,每个星期偷一辆,偷一年就是百万富翁了。 +4
    • 又是印度人。国将不国。
      • 一辆豪车,偷到手,五万加币出手吧?每周一辆,每月就是20万加币。一年多少?你有销货渠道,你会如何? +1
    • 印巴人?
      • south asian,警察局的信息写得清清楚楚
        Region of Peel – Investigators from the 11 Division Auto Theft Unit are seeking the public's assistance in identifying a suspect in a vehicle theft and Dangerous Operation Causing Bodily Harm. On Friday, September 6, 2024, at approximately 2:00 p.m., the suspect attended the victim's residence near Winston Churchill and Eglinton Avenue, Mississauga, in response to an Auto Trader advertisement. The victim was selling his vehicle, a 2022 Porsche Cayenne. While viewing the vehicle, the suspect reversed rapidly, striking and injuring the victim before fleeing with the stolen vehicle. The suspect is described as a female, South Asian, 5'5", 120 lbs, thin build, long brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a white long-sleeve shirt, brown skirt, and leather-strapped sandals. Anyone with information about this incident or the identity of this suspect is asked to call investigators at the 11 Division Auto Theft Unit at (905) 453–2121, ext. 1152. Anonymous information may also be submitted by calling Peel Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), by visiting peelcrimestoppers.ca. Police are encouraging the public to be vigilant when selling items online, and to utilize Peel Regional Police Buy and Sell Exchange Zones located at each Peel Police Division. Inc# P240289300 N/R: 24-243
        Suspect Identity Sought in Theft of Vehicle/Dangerous Operation Causing Bodily Harm
        Region of Peel – Investigators from the 11 Division Auto Theft Unit are seeking the public's assistance in identifying a suspect in a vehicle theft and Dange...
    • 这是抢劫兼谋杀未遂吧?我不觉得车主大意。普通加拿大人是想不到为了几万块钱就开车撞人的,对于传统加拿大人来说,太不划算了。只能说政府放进来的垃圾太多。上次被偷车贼撞飞的警察也是,还在用传统方式应对。这样下去,早晚警察会对着乱开的车开枪 +2
      • 警察的手册是针对加拿大人制定的,不适合第三世界来的人。需要与时俱进。突然放进这么多坏人,会把水搅浑的。自净功能会失效。 +1
        • 感觉非常悲哀,加拿大都成这样了。 +1
          • 多好啊,第三世界,接地气,这才像个多元文化并存的样子。。小土豆挺住,智忧们继续投票给小土豆
    • 所以我现在都不敢在kijiji 卖东西,不要的东西要么送人要么放路边让人拿
      • 开保时捷的有钱人,遇见光脚不怕穿鞋的,会如何结果?我的旧车停在外面就是一个招牌。。想搞钱的请移步;D
    • 应该是慌忙间误撞车主,车主站起来挺利落,有没有被压到?这个女人英文过关,和新移民无关