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research opportunities校内工作带薪也算coop

Written by Naomi (she/her), student Are you interested in gaining hands-on experience in your field of interest? Explore all the research opportunities Waterloo has for undergraduate students and discover your passion beyond the classroom. Research opportunities for undergraduate students At Waterloo, it’s not just about the content you learn, it’s also about the experience

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 分享朋友告诉的,在UW第一年没有找到码工coop工作的同学,学校会给机会辅导那些学生做些实用的projects,都是用市场上很实用技术,这样下一次找工作就有经验了。问这里的UW家长是不是这样的?
    • research opportunities校内工作带薪也算coop +1
      Written by Naomi (she/her), student Are you interested in gaining hands-on experience in your field of interest? Explore all the research opportunities Waterloo has for undergraduate students and discover your passion beyond the classroom. Research opportunities for undergraduate students At Waterloo, it’s not just about the content you learn, it’s also about the experience
    • 不限码工,其它大学也有类似东东
      • 多大貌似两者是分开的,校内research不算作是实习。(纠正一下,刚才问了孩子一下,多大如果是校内full time的research 也算,但貌似位置不多,相比之下,part time的位置供学生平时课余打发时间的会多一些)。
    • 这里的UW 家长可能都不了解这个。 +1
    • 那不就是假coop了?Simply working on projects within the university does not offer the same level of experience and should not be considered a replacement for true co-op placements. +3

      Co-op programs are most effective when they place students in industry or research institutions, providing them with exposure to real-world challenges and professional environments. Simply working on projects within the university, while beneficial, does not offer the same level of experience and should not be considered a replacement for true co-op placements. The goal of co-op programs is to bridge the gap between academic learning and practical application, which is best achieved through industry or research institution placements.

      当然了学校都是自定义coop program, 愿意说是就是吧😄

      • not as good as coop but better than none +1
      • 我觉得那是学校对想参加coop的学生负责,那样可以帮助学生尽快地掌握职场上需要的基本技能 +2
      • 难说,很多co-op也是无所事事,连个像样的project都没参与,最多写写documentation +1
        • 真有这样的.也得看学生想学东西还是只想混日子.
          以前我提过,有个宾妹同事两女儿都读UW. 大的读ce进取心强coop尝试不同公司.小女读medical science 每期coop都去Toronto public health. 上班就是sit and doze-off. 中午lunch break 就去斜对面的Eaton centre.回来继续sit and doze-off .
      • 这样说也不对。UW就是培养学生实际工作能力,没有找到coop说明学校应该加强目标培养,以便学生尽快成长。没毛病
      • 当然是假的了,自欺欺人而已 +2
        • 不觉得。能帮助到学生的就是有结果的。UTM也能提供这样的就好了 +3
    • 市场上很实用技术油管上都有,根本不需要辅导 +2
    • 是不是 we accelerate? +3
      • 好像就是这个,看了 Previous WE Accelerate terms,觉的会对学生帮助很大,还可以 Earn work term credit +2
        Waterloo’s Centre for Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) offers the Waterloo Experience (WE) Accelerate program. Working with industry collaborators we offer an innovative work term option for undergraduate co-op students entering their first work term. This optional program will help develop in-demand skills through content provided by industry collaborators and team-based project experiences – all while earning a flexible work term credit!
        • 这个作用有限,只是不得已的选择,能找到coop还是尽量做coop。
    • 非常有帮助,因第一年没有经验,没太深的技能和面试,参加这个,除学项目的东西,同时组员间话题和氛围都聊如何找工,他们很多这期间学技能,强化编程,学SPRING BOOT, MANGO DB等,模拟面试,为下个COOP充电。氛围 +2
    • 谁都不是天生就有找工经验的,学校辅导学生做项目,进入职场,当然有用 +2
      • 所以希望别的大学都能为学生大量地提供这样的辅导
        • 有实习的学校应该都会安排这些辅导课的,教学生如何准备简历,如何应对面试,请业内人士开讲座等等。 +1
          • 即使没有辅导,经过多次面试,娃也会有长进,我家最大的长进就是不像最开始的几次,紧张的语无伦次。娃说现在好多了,起码面试时,能尽量面带微笑了。以前一脸苦相。😄
            • 是的,多面几次,胆子就大了,有一次还和面试的侃超时了。。。
              • 是啊,普通娃,没有天赋的,就得靠锻炼,还有点儿希望。 +2
                • 不是一点希望,而是大大的
    • 我觉得Coop挺好的,特别对普通家庭的普通娃很有帮助,即锻炼了能力,又有了工作经验,非常利于找工作。对普通家庭来说,孩子毕业后能最快找到工作,自立,是最重要的。富裕家庭,或者牛娃例外。 +2
    • 很久没来了, +7
      • 👍 非競賽牛蛙
      • 做research也是简历中的亮点
      • 从侧面印证了刷题还是有帮助的
        • 刷题对面试肯定有帮助,如果目标南下,刷题更是无法越过的一个过程。