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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 真的有这种可能吗?可以做到完全密封?另外,可以承受几尺深的水压?旱地鳗你们的意见呢? +1

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    • It's like the car tires. The water pressure keeps the panes sealing very firmly. Double-pane glass should be very strong. +1
    • 不可信 +1
    • 地上有倒影,已经进水了 +2
    • 承压能力里,时间是重要因素。所以手机参数里会说n米以下承受n个小时。 +1
    • 有种身处鱼缸的感觉 +1
    • 可以委托给造船厂造房子。保证不会漏水。 +1