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谷歌一下就出来了。。"Be sure to use bicycle lubricant, not WD40 or another solvent"

Bicycling takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears. It also requires a bit of oil and grease to keep your bike moving smoothly with all the blood, sweat and tears you’re getting on it. So you might ask "what should I oil on my bike?" Every so often and just once in a while?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 户外活动 / 请问自行车的轮子需要定期滴些润滑油吗?需要的话是哪一种? 谢谢!
    • 谷歌一下就出来了。。"Be sure to use bicycle lubricant, not WD40 or another solvent"
      Bicycling takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears. It also requires a bit of oil and grease to keep your bike moving smoothly with all the blood, sweat and tears you’re getting on it. So you might ask "what should I oil on my bike?" Every so often and just once in a while?
      • Thanks, I used wd40.🙁
        • 我觉得干性WD40黑色那种应该可以,润滑而且不容易粘灰尘。
          • 我骑的不多,用WD40 后感觉车子轻松了很多,短时间没啥副作用,其实买专用的lube 也不贵,买一瓶可以用很久。
    • 普通机油都可以,
    • 我觉得用 grease 好。你去 auto shop 问问。好像有那种喷上去的。 +1
    • 我就问问, 你们自己给自行车拿龙吗?
      • 有需要该做。看自行车价钱吧,便宜的就算了
        • 越便宜的越容易坏
          • 是,坏了也不贵,就直接换了呗。用便宜的一般要求也没那么高
      • 还真没看懂,“拿龙”是什么? +1
        • Alignment +1
    • 轮子不需要 链条齿轮需要 先清洁后上油 #13318963@0 +1
      • 真长学问👍
      • 学习了。
    • 刹车,飞轮,脚蹬子都摸点油,
    • MEC有卖,买了没用过
    • 三个轴承需要定期清洗、更换坏珠、上机油。如无条件也应该简单的喷液体机油,轮胎店有卖。还需调整前后轴螺母跟轴碗的间隙,既不能框也不能太紧,然后拿隆止偏。最好的状态是,把车提起转动车轮,运转平稳、持久,这样才骑起来不累 +1
    • Do not use grease on bike chain cassette and derailleur

      Grease太浓厚没法渗透到链滚轮里头就不能达到润滑效果,而且还很容易沾上很多土尘泥沙,导致传动系统磨损。引擎机油我也试过,时间一长都变黑色,gum up。如果你的链条齿轮都是金光闪闪一片彩虹这会很脏很难看。无论用任何润滑都得经常清洗。