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Losing your permanent resident status
You don’t lose your permanent resident status when your PR card expires. You can only lose your status if you go through an official process.

You can lose your permanent resident status if:

an adjudicator determines you are no longer a permanent resident after an inquiry or PRTD appeal;
you voluntarily renounce your permanent resident status;
a removal order is made against you and comes into force; or
you become a Canadian citizen.
Even if you don't meet the residency obligation, you are still a PR until an official decision is made on your status.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 请问最近有没有持枫叶卡入境的,听说有人被拒绝入境,原机返回了。
    刚刚听我的家庭医生说,他有病人(枫叶卡)在多伦多被拒绝入境,原机返回了。理由是non-essential travel.
    • 没有家吗?回家还不行?
    • 具体情况不了解,如果是时间没呆够,那倒也说得过去。
    • 各回各家,各找各妈
    • 不太可信。 +6
    • 原机返回还得再花钱买票吧?好惨,十来万打水漂了? +1
    • 不可能,持有效枫叶卡到达加拿大边境的就有权利进入加拿大,即使是没有满足居住条件。除非你是主动签署文件放弃了PR。 +1
      • 只有公民才有权进入加拿大。边境移民官不仅可以拒绝枫叶卡入境,甚至有权取消枫叶卡。 +10
        • 最近放宽了,PR早可以进来了,PR都不让进,难道不给回家了不成?否者就不叫PR了,叫visitor了。 +2
        • 很多人不知道,永久居民有和公民一样的入境权利。CBSA没有权力拒绝有PR资格的人入境。CBSA有权取消枫叶卡,但无权取消PR资格。没有枫叶卡并不代表PR资格丧失,满足居住条件后可再次申请枫叶卡。给个官网链接参考: +3
          Losing your permanent resident status
          You don’t lose your permanent resident status when your PR card expires. You can only lose your status if you go through an official process.

          You can lose your permanent resident status if:

          an adjudicator determines you are no longer a permanent resident after an inquiry or PRTD appeal;
          you voluntarily renounce your permanent resident status;
          a removal order is made against you and comes into force; or
          you become a Canadian citizen.
          Even if you don't meet the residency obligation, you are still a PR until an official decision is made on your status.
          • 你给的链接的最后一段不是说明了可能被拒绝入境么?
            • 还是美国的绿卡好,没有居住要求,只要每半年回美国入境一次,就可以长期持有。一朋友持绿卡已经有20余年,长期居住中国,每半年回美国一次,小住一周。每次renew绿卡无压力
              • 谁说的,美国要求每年住满180天。只不过没较真而已。我有一个朋友没住满就被取消绿卡
            • 请问是哪一段说了可能被拒绝入境?
              • You may not be able to enter Canada until your permanent resident status is resolved either by receiving a permanent resident travel document or by voluntarily giving up your permanent resident status.
                • 请注意这小段的标题:Voluntarily giving up (renouncing) permanent resident status。意思是说你如果想自愿放弃永久居民的情况。
    • 只要枫叶卡没过期, 都会让你入境。即使 CBSA 在机场查到你没有满足居住条件, 当场开出 remove order, 也会让你入境。 你可以在一个月内决定是否 appeal。 +1
      • 正解,CBSA没有权力当场作废你的PR身份,更没有权力不让PR入境加拿大。永久居民入境是权利不是特权。
      • 都是传来传去的,越传越邪乎
        • 我说的可不是传来传去的,是亲眼所见的案例。