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关于签证申请的照片,到底是visa center 办事员搞错了,还是领事馆网站搞错了?还是我忘记了中国style?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我在手机上下载了passport photo app, 付费了可以去掉background 的功能,这个软件选择中国签证后可以按照尺寸调整照片的远近和位置做出符合要求的33mmx48mm的照片,用这个照片做online application , 顺利upload照片,approved.
(3) A photo

If the applicant' digital photo can not be uploaded to the online application form, a recently-taken color photo against a white background (size:48mm x 33mm) should be submitted to the visa center along with the printed application form

我跑步到附近的photo lab打印了照片,在visa center 关门前赶了回来,结果,照片不合格! 因为打印尺寸小了一点点。在我前面的那个老外也是跑到同一家photo lab同一个女孩打印的,尺寸刚刚好,她通过了, 为她高兴。
我没办法只能到同一楼层的一个签证服务agency享受了一条龙服务,重新照了照片,把新照片上载到前一个application上,得到一个新的application number, 打印,从旁门来到visa center, 提交材料。又花费了近一个小时把表格补填了很多项。这些项目在online application 时是根本没有选项填入的, 比如那个“如曾经有过中国国籍,blabla”, online application 时问 do you HAVE(不是过去式) other citizenship, 无论选yes还是no, 都不会要求填前中国国籍的信息。
anyway, online application 跟打印表格对不上,那些visa agency的做法是,一律按经验手工填满。
回到家里,再google 关于照片的要求,在同一个网站上又发现要求print photo的连接。到底以哪个为准呢?玩呢?
(2) Visa Application Form and Photo

One completed Visa Application Form with a recently-taken color passport photo (bare-head, full face) against a light background attached
现在只想弄个fcuk的衣服穿上。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 关于签证申请的照片,到底是visa center 办事员搞错了,还是领事馆网站搞错了?还是我忘记了中国style?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我在手机上下载了passport photo app, 付费了可以去掉background 的功能,这个软件选择中国签证后可以按照尺寸调整照片的远近和位置做出符合要求的33mmx48mm的照片,用这个照片做online application , 顺利upload照片,approved.
    (3) A photo

    If the applicant' digital photo can not be uploaded to the online application form, a recently-taken color photo against a white background (size:48mm x 33mm) should be submitted to the visa center along with the printed application form

    我跑步到附近的photo lab打印了照片,在visa center 关门前赶了回来,结果,照片不合格! 因为打印尺寸小了一点点。在我前面的那个老外也是跑到同一家photo lab同一个女孩打印的,尺寸刚刚好,她通过了, 为她高兴。
    我没办法只能到同一楼层的一个签证服务agency享受了一条龙服务,重新照了照片,把新照片上载到前一个application上,得到一个新的application number, 打印,从旁门来到visa center, 提交材料。又花费了近一个小时把表格补填了很多项。这些项目在online application 时是根本没有选项填入的, 比如那个“如曾经有过中国国籍,blabla”, online application 时问 do you HAVE(不是过去式) other citizenship, 无论选yes还是no, 都不会要求填前中国国籍的信息。
    anyway, online application 跟打印表格对不上,那些visa agency的做法是,一律按经验手工填满。
    回到家里,再google 关于照片的要求,在同一个网站上又发现要求print photo的连接。到底以哪个为准呢?玩呢?
    (2) Visa Application Form and Photo

    One completed Visa Application Form with a recently-taken color passport photo (bare-head, full face) against a light background attached
    现在只想弄个fcuk的衣服穿上。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Pat pat. I suffered a lot from their being unreasonable at the Vancouver visa centre as well. At one point I almost gave up the visa application.
      • you know what, at the moment of frustration, I think of why you prefer to type in English, and not using wechat... maybe I misunderstood you, but I will reduce the usage of wechat from now on, got to support the thing I believed by action.
        • You two are setting such good examples for Rolisns! We are to follow!
          • do you know that I once reported you to the rolia admin because your post has personal offensive message to others? hope that you do not mind. +1
            • No, I don't nor do I mind at all.
        • LOL. Basically they're not related. But WeChat is not safe, and it's way easier to type in English.
      • 你们那儿没有旅行社可以代办吗?这里是$25/份,但是可以帮你审核材料,准备邀请函。省了我们老多心思了。
        • Didn't know there was such option when I did it. Looks like it created some more business opportunities. :)
        • 哪个旅行社还代办的? 问了天宝说现在不接14以上70岁以下人的申请 要自己去弄
          • 星悦假期。两年前找他们办的,很方便
            • 现在申请签证要求按指纹了,旅行社代办不了。 +1
    • 平时不努力,办事徒伤悲啊。我就把加拿大的护照照片扫描一下就可以用于上传照片要求的啊,还花钱买什么软件啊
      • good for you. I bought the app because it's very handy, the developer did good job and should be award, it's only $3.99 +1
        • 根本不用花钱买,而且没事不要装app,要的权限太多对手机不安全。直接用这个网址就好,免费的。 +1
          • 题外话:不是说paid apps好 只不过免费的app通常你要用隐私来交换~~
            • 是的。不过我建议的是不要装app,直接使用网页版,根本拿不到我的隐私资料。
        • This!I will pay for good apps too.