拒签那次,是弟弟和弟妹一起办。上次拒签理由:You have not satisfied me that you would leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident. In reaching this decision, I considered several factors, including: 1. Travel history 2. Purpose of visit 这次再签,只是弟弟一人。有人建议,不要提有家人在加拿大。只办纯旅游。可是,上次已经写了. 所以,我认为这次也不能不写。我是这样做的 1,提供邀请信,说明在他旅行期间,会到我的城市停留几天。我负责他的吃住。 2,提供我的税单 他办的是旅游签证tourism. 请问大家,这样做行吗?还是根本都不提我?在申请表中,details of visit to Canada, 有一栏 Name, address and relationship of any person(s) or institution(s) I will visit. 是写我的名字地址还是写景点稳妥?谢谢了!